Results for 'Mary Del Priore'

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  1. Biografia: quando o indivíduo encontra a História.Mary Del Priore - 2009 - Topoi: Revista de História 10 (19):7-16.
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    Mary del PRIORE (org.), Historia das Mulheres no Brasil. Sao Paulo, Contexto, 1997, 678 p.Suely Gomes Costa - 2000 - Clio 12:25-25.
    Cet ouvrage élargit, dans l'historiographie brésilienne, l'étude d'un thème restreint jusqu'aux années 90 à des intellectuels attachés aux mouvements féministes. Avec ses vingt articles écrits par des hommes et des femmes dont une femme écrivain de renom et dix-neuf chercheurs de quelques-unes des meilleures universités brésiliennes du sud et du sud-est, appartenant pour treize d'entre eux au département d'histoire, il sert de référence en soulignant les questions centrales de l'histoi...
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    Um olhar crítico sobre a figura da condessa de Barral na biografia histórica.Vanessa Gandra Martins - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (2):p - 44.
    Este artigo procura fazer uma leitura crítica da utilização da figura da condessa de Barral na biografia histórica e romanceada, intitulada Condessa de Barral, a paixão do imperador, assinada por Mary Del Priore e editada pela editora Objetiva, destacando as questões teóricas referentes às biografias, aos limites entre a literatura e História, à escrita epistolar como fonte histórica e a ética do historiador enquanto educador. This article attempts a critical reading of the use of Countess of Barral's figure (...)
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  4. Erotetic logic.Mary Prior & Arthur Prior - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (1):43-59.
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    La inteligibilidad del derecho.María del Pilar Zambrano - 2019 - Madrid: Marcial Pons. Edited by Juan Cianciardo.
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    La teoría comunicacional del derecho y otras direcciones del pensamiento jurídico contemporáneo: libro homenaje al profesor Gregorio Robles.Cristina Hermida del Llano, Diego Medina Morales, María J. Roca & Gregorio Robles (eds.) - 2020 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  7. Re-situating and re-mediating the canons: A cultural-historical remapping of rhetorical activity.Paul Prior, Janine Solberg, Patrick Berry, Hannah Bellwoar, Bill Chewning, K. J. Lunsford, Liz Rohan, Kevin Roozen, Mary Sheridan-Rabideau & Jody Shipka - manuscript
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  8. Autism and movement disturbance. Mari, Marks, Marraffa & Prior & Castiello - 2004 - In Uta Frith & Elisabeth L. Hill (eds.), Autism: Mind and Brain. Oxford University Press.
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  9. La politica del porvenir.Marín del Campo & Rafael[From Old Catalog] - 1928 - Madrid,: V. Suarez.
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    List of the contributors.Emilio Del Giudice, Fabrizio Desideri, Martin Fleischmann, Bury Lodge, Duck Street, Georg Franck, Gordon Globus, B. J. Hiley, Mari Jibu & Teruaki Nakagomi - 2004 - In Gordon G. Globus, Karl H. Pribram & Giuseppe Vitiello (eds.), Brain and Being: At the Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language and Arts. John Benjamins. pp. 349.
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    Una aproximación a la historia de las ideas filosóficas en México: siglo XIX y principios del XX.María del Carmen Rovira & Alberto Núñez M. (eds.) - unknown - Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  12. Amicus Plato magis amica veritas : reading Heidegger in Plato's cave.María del Carmen Paredes - 2005 - In Catalin Partenie & Tom Rockmore (eds.), Heidegger and Plato: toward dialogue. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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  13. Introduction.Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade & Fabio Del Prete - 2012 - In Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade & Fabio Del Prete (eds.), Genericity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-92.
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    Genericity.Alda Mari, Claire Beyssade & Fabio Del Prete (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides an up-to-date introduction to the study of generics and pursues the enterprise of the influential Generic Book edited by Gregory Carlson and Jeffry Pelletier, which was published in 1995. Genericity is a key notion in the study of human cognition as it reveals our capacity to organize our perceived reality into classes and to describe regularities. The generic can be expressed at the level of a word or phrase (ie the potato in The Irish economy became dependent (...)
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    Teaching Ethics to Undergraduate Business Students in Australia: Comparison of Integrated and Stand-alone Approaches.Elizabeth Prior Jonson, Linda Mary McGuire & Deirdre O’Neill - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (2):477-491.
    There are questions about how ethics is best taught to undergraduate business students. There has been a proliferation in the number of stand-alone ethics courses for undergraduate students but research on the effectiveness of integrated versus stand-alone mode of delivery is inconclusive. Christensen et al. :347–368, 2007), in a comprehensive review of ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability education, investigated how ethics education has changed over the last 20 years, including the issue of integration of these topics into the core (...)
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    Derrida and the future of the liberal arts: professions of faith.Mary Caputi, Del Casino & J. Vincent (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Derrida and the Future of the Liberal Arts highlights the Derridean assertion that the university must exist 'without condition' - as a bastion of intellectual freedom and oppositional activity whose job it is to question mainstream society. Derrida argued that only if the life of the mind is kept free from excessive corporate influence and political control can we be certain that the basic tenets of democracy are being respected within the very societies that claim to defend democratic principles. This (...)
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  17. Eclécticos portugueses del siglo XVIII y algunas de sus influencias en América.Rovira Carmen & María del - 1958 - México]: Colegio de México.
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  18. Génesis del concepto de verdad en el joven Hegel (1792-1801).Paredes Martín & María del Carmen - 1987 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Etica, globalización y dignidad de la persona.Guerra González & María del Rosario - 2002 - Toluca, Mexico: UAEM, Dirección de Vinculación Investigación-Sociedad.
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    Perspectivas y horizontes de la filosofía de la ciencia en México.Cárdenas Carrión, Blanca María, Martínez Ordaz, María del Rosario, López Retana & Erik Alejandro (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    A la sombra de lo político: violencias institucionales y transformaciones de lo común.Acosta López, María del Rosario & Carlos Andrés Manrique (eds.) - 2013 - Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Filosofía.
    El interés de la presente compilación es el de recoger algunas de las principales reflexiones del pensamiento político contemporáneo. Se propone como tarea central el examen y la problematización de algunos presupuestos extendidos en la tradición de la filosofía occidental. Por medio de este cuestionamiento, se busca desestabilizar asunciones que atraviesan nuestros modos habituales de concebir el sujeto, la acción y el espacio políticos, y de comprender la manera como estos son configurados por el lenguaje. Es así como una amplia (...)
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  22. Activismo trasnacional en el este de Asia.María del Pilar Álvarez - 2022 - In Pablo F. Forni & Alejandro Bialakowsky (eds.), Por unas ciencias sociales relacionales: investigaciones y enfoques contemporáneos. [Buenos Aires]: USAL, Universidad del Salvador.
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    Jesús Mosterín y Javier Sádaba: una última conversación.Olmo Ibáñez & María del - 2019 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
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    Interpretation of Data in Psychology: A False Problem, a True Issue.María del Río Carral & Marie Santiago-Delefosse - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (1).
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  25. Being robbed of one's voice : on listening and political violence in Adriana Cavarero.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2024 - In Paula Landerreche Cardillo & Rachel Silverbloom (eds.), Political Bodies: Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
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    Aesthetic reason and imaginative freedom: Friedrich Schiller and philosophy.Acosta López & María del Rosario (eds.) - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Shows the relevance of Schiller’s thought for contemporary philosophy, particularly aesthetics, ethics, and politics. This book seeks to draw attention to Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805) as a philosophical thinker in his own right. For too long, his philosophical contribution has been neglected in favor of his much-deserved reputation as a political playwright. The essays in this collection make two arguments. First, Schiller presents a robust philosophical program that can be favorably compared to those of his age, including Rousseau, Kant, Schelling, and (...)
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    Filosofía y derechos humanos: hacia la justicia.Guerra González & María del Rosario - 2015 - Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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  28. Between law and violence : towards a re-thinking of legal justice in transitional justice contexts.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2018 - In Christoph Menke (ed.), Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
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  29. Empresa humana y evolución.Andrés María del Carpio - 1968 - Madrid,: Ediciones Iberoamericanas.
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  30. Mente, conciencia y conocimiento.Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 2001 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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  31. Intencionalidad, mundo y sentido: problemas de fenomenología y metafísica.Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 2003 - [Salamanca]: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    La filosofía y el amor.Paredes Martín, María del Carmen & Enrique Bonete Perales (eds.) - 2020 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca.
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    María Zambrano: la antígona española del siglo XX.Montes Sampedro & María Teresa - 2017 - Madrid, España: Ediciones Endymion.
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    Lay Definitions of Happiness across Nations: The Primacy of Inner Harmony and Relational Connectedness.Antonella Delle Fave, Ingrid Brdar, Marié P. Wissing, Ulisses Araujo, Alejandro Castro Solano, Teresa Freire, María Del Rocío Hernández-Pozo, Paul Jose, Tamás Martos, Hilde E. Nafstad, Jeanne Nakamura, Kamlesh Singh & Lawrence Soosai-Nathan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Manuel Fraijó y Javier Sádaba: un diálogo entre dos filósofos de la religión.Olmo Ibáñez & María del - 2017 - Madrid: Tecnos.
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  36. Política y religión en Hegel.Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 1995 - [Salamanca]: Unidad de Filosofía Teórica, Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Filosofía, arte y mística: XXV y XXVI Encuentros Internacionales (7-9 mayo 2014 y 21-23 octubre 2015) Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa de Filosofía.Paredes Martín, María del Carmen & Enrique Bonete Perales (eds.) - 2017 - Salamanca (España): Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    Professor Prior and Jonathan Edwards.Mary Mothersill - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):366 - 373.
    The particular argument which Prior selects is supposed to show that the Arminian hypothesis, viz. volitions are uncaused events, has consequences that are logically unacceptable or at any rate counterintuitive. Prior makes two claims: Edwards' argument depends on false metaphysical premises. When these are revised, uncaused events, e.g., volitions, may be acknowledged without embarrassment. If the scope of Edwards' argument is restricted, then it is, in Prior's phrase, "entirely cogent." I shall try to show that Prior is mistaken on both (...)
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    Claros del bosque.María Zambrano - 2011 - Madrid: Cátedra. Edited by Mercedes Gómez Blesa.
    «Claros del bosque» es uno de los libros esenciales de la trayectoria filosófica de María Zambrano en el que vemos, por primera vez, en marcha su «razón poética». Nadie mejor que la propia autora para presentarnos el significado de esta obra: “«Claros del bosque» dentro de mi pensamiento vertido en lo impreso, salvo alguna excepción, aparece como algo inédito salido de ese escribir irreprimible que brota por sí mismo y que ha ido a parar a cuadernos y hojas que nadie (...)
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    Pensamiento feminista.Norma Rosa Heredia, Valle Videla, María del & Alicia Itatí Palermo (eds.) - 2002 - Córdoba, República Argentina: CEN Ediciones.
    1. Reflexiones de la realidad con enfoque de género -- 2. Aportes para un nuevo andamiaje social.
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  41. Diccionario de filosofía latinoamericana.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg, Mario Magallón Anaya, Isaías Palacios Contreras, Ramírez Fierro, María del Rayo & Sandra Escutia Díaz (eds.) - 2000 - Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
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    (1 other version)Papers on Time and Tense.Arthur Norman Prior - 1968 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Per F. V. Hasle.
    This is a revised and expanded edition of a seminal work in the logic and philosophy of time, originally published in 1968. Arthur N. Prior was the founding father of temporal logic, and his book offers an excellent introduction to the fundamental questions in the field. Several important papers have been added to the original selection, as well as a comprehensive bibliography of Prior's work and an illuminating interview with his widow, Mary Prior. In addition, the Polish logic which (...)
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    Cuerpo, sujeto e identidad.Durán Amavizca, Norma Delia, Jiménez Silva & María del Pilar (eds.) - 2009 - México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés.
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  44. Claros del bosque.María Zambrano - 1977 - Barcelona: Seix Barral.
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    Papers on Time and Tense.Arthur N. Prior - 1968 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Per F. V. Hasle.
    This is a new edition, revised and expanded, of a seminal work in the logic and philosophy of time, originally published in 1968. Arthur N. Prior was the founding father of temporal logic. His work has attracted increased attention in the decades since his death: its influence stretches beyond philosophy and logic to computer science and formal linguistics. Prior's fundamental ideas about the logic of time are presented here along with his investigations into the formal properties of time and tense. (...)
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    Crisi del multiculturalismo e radici universali dell'Europa.Giovanni Mari - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (1):29-40.
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  47. Refiguración poética del sí mismo: una interioridad con historia.Marie-France Begué - 1997 - Escritos de Filosofía 16 (32):139-160.
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  48. La enseñanza universitaria de la filosofía a mediados del siglo XX : documentos y testimonios.María Victoria Santorsola - 2015 - In Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana (eds.), La filosofía argentina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX: testimonios. Bahía Blanca: Universidad Nacional del Sur.
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  49. Pitagora nell'ottica del tardo XX secolo.Mary Carman Rose - 1972 - Filosofia 23 (1):29.
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  50. La ciencia más allá del realismo y el relativismo.Mary Hesse - 1986 - Dianoia 32 (32):85.
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